[Mini-Server] New project

I bought a Raspberry Pi 2 a while back…. It promised more RAM and a faster clock speed than the B+ model it was replacing.

I could finally run a low power Minecraft Server! I downloaded Raspbian and put it on a class 10 microSD and was hoping to be mine-crafting in minutes.

I got everything setup and attempted to connect from my gaming machine. Loading. Loading.. Loading… Loading…. LOADING

Well it did work but the frame rate was horrible. I tried tips on configuration settings I found on the minecraft/pi forums, but nothing made it any better.

So I was out $30…., Or was I?

I then hatched the brilliant idea of making a website on the pi to host my projects. I got everything configured and a basic version of my site setup. Then it ended up sitting in the corner plugged in, at times narrowly avoiding being mauled and disfigured by the vacuum cleaner.

I set out to make a proper case with a screen and UPS.
