[Mini-Server] UPS Redesign

My portable USB phone charger’s LCD screen broke today, so i decided to tear it apart and use its 11,200 mAh battery for the server UPS. I also recently built a 3D printer, so I designed a case to hold  the components to my budget Ebay UPS.

I decided to refine the schematic the same for the USB UPS, because the boost converter was prone to dropping out early, and therefore the battery was never 100% usable.

The new schematic uses a TP4056 1A Lithium Ion charger with a DW01 Battery protection IC and the MT3608 DC-DC boost converter (capable of boosting a voltage as low as 2V up to 5V with 2A of output current). 3A rectifier diodes and a large capacitor are used to smooth the transition between mains sourced 5V power and battery power.

The whole circuit can be assembled for less than $8. (The high quality super capacitor being the most expensive part)

In testing, the Mini-Sever can now run for just shy of 4 hours off of mains power.

[Mini-Server] UPS

I built a UPS using a an EBay sourced boost converter and lithium ion charge controller. I used a lithium ion battery I salvaged out of an old bluetooth speaker. I mounted it all to a sheet of aluminum. Total cost: $3


I used a 3.3v signal from the power supply to tell the pi if it lost AC power. I modified my software to E-Mail me and shutdown the pi if the battery got too low.


In testing the UPS, I uncovered that at a certain point, about half charge on the battery, the voltage dips and the boost converter drops-out triggering a reset on the pi. I only end up getting around 20 minutes of battery life with the 750 mAh battery, which is adequate for most power loss events.


[Mini-Server] Server Circuitry

I secured the LCD in place with screws and made a 3.3v to 5v 2N3904 level shifter for the I2C communications between the screen and the pi. The switch is wired and works as an interrupt in the python code. I also used one of the pi’s pwm outputs to pulse the button LED, so there is a “breathing” effect when there is a notification.

I need to cleanup the code and add a menu system so I can control a few programs. I also need to clean up that circuitry!

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[Mini-Server] Case mods

The case has a small fan that can be controlled with pwm, and a LED/pushbutton. No screen!

I had a $3 Chinese I2C 16×2 LCD display laying around. So, I got to work with the dremel and file and now the case has a LCD.

I need to have the faceplate machined and refinished. I modeled the cutout in Solidworks and sent it out to be cut. Luckily, I know someone who can do it for free.

